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4 juin 20211 min de lecture
Financial Information and Brand Value: Reflections, Challenges and Limitations
The brand is the company is most important asset. In their financial statements, companies are faced with a lack of accounting...
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8 mai 20196 min de lecture
Combiner le management de projets complexes et la médiation
The World Economic Forum - - en collaboration avec The Conversation - 20 mar. 2018 - Yves-Alain Ach Coordonner...
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8 mai 20192 min de lecture
La Valeur Des Entreprises Est Immatérielle
Sylvie Gamet CEO de Nowall Innovation et Finantis Value, passionnée et engagée pour le développement des PME par l'innovation et les...
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8 mai 20193 min de lecture
How businesses should talk internally and externally about data breaches
The Telegraph 14 SEPTEMBER 2017 • 12:00PM Businesses need to perfect their internal and external PR plans so they can manage data...
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8 mai 20193 min de lecture
How to make the internet of things work for your business
The Telegraph - 24 OCTOBER 2018 • 4:15PM Find out how the internet of things and online sensors could simply tell you what is most...
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7 mai 20196 min de lecture
La fraude interne, un fléau pour les entreprises
02/04/2019 par Laurence Duarte - HBR France Pour faire face aux comportements frauduleux, les entreprises doivent mettre en place un...
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28 avr. 20195 min de lecture
BY DANIEL SMITH, CMA, AND LISA HEFFERNAN, CMA January 1, 2019 Effective and efficient data governance can facilitate powerful analytics...
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28 avr. 20192 min de lecture
Études économiques de l'OCDE : France 2019 OECD Economic Surveys: France 2019
La croissance économique de la France a ralenti après une reprise progressive. Des gains limités de la productivité et d’emplois ont...
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27 avr. 20193 min de lecture
Technology policies that protect your company and its IP
Email Share Share Tweet Save Print Order Reprints 📷By Bryan Wheelock and Chris Cauble  – Principals, Harness DickeyApr 3, 2019 A...
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10 avr. 20197 min de lecture
The Ultimate Guide to Build Your Brand Through Targeted And Valuable Content
Share Tweet Share Pin Email The marketing and advertising landscape has changed irrevocably with the advent of the digital world; it...
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